
Thursday, October 18, 2012

IDPD appealed

Wed, Oct 17, 2012 at 5:02 PM
Australia should not supply Uranium to India
Courtesy Photo
Indian Doctors for Peace and Development (IDPD) while welcoming the Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard on visit to India has appealed that Australia should not supply Uranium to our country for any purpose. Dr.L.S.Chawla – National President, Dr.Arun Mitra – General Secretary and Dr.Bharti Uppal – Finance Secretary said that there are many fields where both countries can strengthen trade relations to the benefit of both countries. Australia is the second biggest producer of Uranium in the world. But it is to the credit of Australia not to have any nuclear power plant. Nuclear energy is inherently dangerous and nuclear power plants are neither safe nor economical. Moreover they can be a potential for the production of  nuclear weapons any time in future. That Australia would supervise India over the use of Uranium supplied by it does not sound realistic. India has ample number of renewable resources for energy. It will be pertinent that the two countries work together in the field of renewable resources.
IDPD appealed 
For more detail contact Dr Arun Mitra,General Secretary IDPD on Mobile No. 94170 00360

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