
Sunday, March 10, 2013

The Caste Question and Marxism

Fourth Arvind Memorial Seminar
Details of write-ups and some of the participants
By Satyam Varma
The Caste Question and Marxism
12–16 March, 2013, ChandigarhPapers and background notes:
1. जाति प्रश्‍न और उसका समाधान: एक मार्क्‍सवादी दृष्टिकोण - अरविन्‍द स्‍मृति न्‍यास (Caste Question and its solution: A Marxist Viewpoint — Arvind Memorial Trust)

2. अम्‍बेडकरवाद और दलित मुक्ति - सुखविन्‍दर, सम्‍पादक, प्रतिबद्ध, पंजाब (Ambedkarism and Dalit Liberation – Sukhwinder, editor, Pratibaddh, Punjab)

3. जाति का इतिहासलेखन : कुछ आलोचनात्‍मक प्रेक्षण - अभिनव, सम्‍पादक, मुक्तिकामी छात्रों-युवाओं का आह्वान, दिल्‍ली (The Historiography of Caste: Some critical observations — Abhinav, editor, Muktikami Chhatron-Yuvaon ka Aahvan)

4. Background note on caste in India — Prof. Irfan Habib, Aligarh

5. Towards A Programme for Abolition of Material Basis of Casteist Hierarchy — Anant Phadke, Shramik Mukti Dal (Democratic), Pune

6. वर्ग, जाति और अस्मितावादी राजनीति - शिवानी, दिल्‍ली विश्‍वविद्यालय (Class, Caste and Identity Politics — Shivani, Delhi University)

7. दलित समस्या और सौंदर्यशास्‍त्र - निनु चपागाईं, यूसीपीएन (एम) के पोलित ब्‍यूरो सदस्‍य तथा पार्टी के सांस्‍कृतिक विभाग के प्रभारी (The Dalit Question and Aesthetics — Ninu Chapagain, Politburo Member and in charge of the Cultural Division of UCPN (M)

8. Caste and Politics in West Bengal: The Changing Face of the Left Front — Praskanva Sinharay, Centre for Studies in Social Sciences, Calcutta

9. What is to be undone: Caste and Sex in Marxist Traditions — Dr. Rajarshi Dasgupta, Centre for Political Studies, JNU

10. Marxism and the caste question - Based on Anuradha Gandhi's book 'Caste Question in India' — Asit Das, Researcher and Activist, New Delhi

11. Distinctiveness as Ideology or Pain and the Politics of Specificity — Prashant Gupta, B.R. Ambedkar College, Delhi University

12. Caste-class symbiosis and conjoint relevance of Marx(ism) and Ambedkar(ism) — Sukhdev Singh Janagal, Punjab

13. Dr. Ambedkar or Dr. Marx — by Prof. William Paul Cockshott, University of Glasgow
(The paper will be circulated as a background note and Prof. Cockshott will make a presentation through skype from London.)

1. Prof. DN Jha, Marxist Historian, Delhi 
2. Prof. Satish Deshpande, Deptt of Sociology, Delhi University 
3. Prof. Tulsiram, Hindi writer, JNU
4. Prof. (Mrs.) Vimal Thorat, IGNOU
5. Anand Teltumbde
6. Sangeet Srota (Nepali poet and activist)
7. Two representatives from Dalit Mukti Morcha, Nepal 
8. Prof. PK Vijayan, Delhi University
9. Namdev Laghve, Nagpur 
10. Dr. S.B. Rai and Aditya Narayan Singh (Granthashilpi), Delhi
11. Arjun Prasad Singh, PDFI 
12. Jai Prakash and Sudhakar, Jati Virodhi Aandolan
13. Anant Acharya , DAFODWAM, Kolkata
14. Uttamrao Jagirdar + 4 (one woman participant), Republican Panthers, Mumbai
15. Sukhdeo Singh Janagal, Fatehgarh Sahib 
16. Hargopal Singh, Solan, Himachal Pradesh
17. Prof. Manjit Singh, Chandigarh University
18. Representatives from 'Mazdoor Patrika', Patna
19. Ajay Sinha. Patna, Bihar
20. Deepti, International Airports Employees Union, Mumbai
21. Prabhakar, Reliance Energy Employees Union, Mumbai
22. Santokh Singh Virdi, Writer, Punjab
23. Varinderpal, Inqualbi Vidyarthi Sabha, Bathinda
24. Ch. Premchandra Singh, Manipur
25. Jitendra Bharti, Dehradun
26. Vijay Prakash Singh, Journalist, Mumbai
27. Fabian Dsouza, Researcher, Delhi
28. Representatives from several groups from Punjab.
29. Activists from various mass organisations from UP, Bihar, Delhi, Punjab, Haryana & Maharashtra.

Representatives from some groups from Bihar, UP and Maharashtra have not yet confirmed but they may come.
We are expecting that several individuals and people from some groups may reach Chandigarh directly.
We request all those who are coming for the seminar to intimate us about your travel plans so we can receive you at the station and make arrangements for your comfortable stay.

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