
Monday, December 30, 2013

Green clearance to the Fatehabad Nuclear Power plant

 Mon, Dec 30, 2013 at 3:46 PM
IDPD has expressed serious concern
Ludhiana: 30 December 2013: (Rector Kathuria//Punjab Screen):
                   Courtesy Photo
The Indian Doctors for Peace and Development (IDPD) has expressed serious concern at the decision of the ministry of Environment government of India to grant green clearance to the Fatehabad Nuclear Power plant. In a statement issued here today Dr L S Chawla – President and Dr Arun Mitra - General Secretary IDPD said that the nuclear power plants are potentially dangerous. The nuclear facility at Koodankulam in Tamil Nadu has failed to fulfill all the environment obligations fully but still the government allowed it. Same thing is likely to happen here. Moreover this area is densely populated. The nuclear accidents have been major disasters worldwide, the main being Chernobyl (Ukraine in 1986) and Fukushima (Japan in 2011). Our country has dismal record of even domestic waste management; how do we expect the management nuclear waste which otherwise also is very difficult to manage. Our organization has conducted studies on the health status of people living around Jadugoda uranium mines and found significant effect on their health. We have enough of renewable energy resources like the Solar, Wind and Bio Waste, but are not paying so much attention to these. Instead we are purchasing the nuclear power from those countries who have virtually stopped using nuclear energy for power generation.

People Against Nuclear Reactor at Fatehabad, (Haryana, India)

02-09-2011 को अपलोड किया गया
People Against Proposed Nuclear Reactor at Gorakhpur (Haryana, India) at Fatehabad, (Haryana, India) A Lokvaani Production. 2011

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