It remains alive even after the deaths of lover and beloved

I was married. I had got a son who was in 6th class. My husband was well established in profession and had got good reputation. I too was holding a high post. All was going on well. I was leading a good family life. I was having good position at my work place. My colleagues were having good relations with me and this work-place was like my family. I had got love, affection, regard for all and all were responding well.
There were three people who were holding the same status which I was holding. We all were spending our free time together. One of them was transferred and another man from another office came and joined our batch. His name was Rohit Sharma. He was well qualified and belonged to a reputed family well established in industry. He had joined service because he wanted to serve the people of India. Within days I started sitting with him. As and when I had got some spare time with me, I went to his room and started spending some time with him. We had been talking on administrative matters, on political matters and sometime, we had been discussing on family matters. I was surprised to note that this man was fully conversant with all the matters and was in a position to assist me even in my office work. He was so nice that as and when I entered his room, he stood up and welcomed me with smiling face. I never saw him in a serious mood. He too was married and had got two children. I had invited me to his house and we all visited his house. His wife was so nice and she welcomed us all. She had started calling me, ' my dear sister' and it is on record that she often visited our house. She had got no objections on my relations with her husband. He was calling me ' madam' and I was calling him,' sir'.
As and when I was absent in my room, even the staff people were having information that I could be found in the room of Rohit. People from my house were also known to Rohit and they never objected on my relations with him.
Rohit had been with us for four years. Then he got promotion and left us. He gave a long lecture at the time of his fare-well party and I too spoke," I could not understand what type of relations I could develop with this man. He had been my brother and I can declare that he is more than my brother. I had got no hesitation and I had been discussing with him all matters and at times, I could sha re with him what I could not share even with members of my own family. This mand had been an open note book for me where I could write what I had been feeling and all had been done without any restriction, reservation and hesitation.....". I had been speaking for half an hour and our head also spoke. Some people from the staff also spoke and Rohit left our work place. He is away, but as and when he comes to this station, he did not fail to visit my house and meet us all. It is on record that he has become a member of my family and I had been calling him on marriages of my children and he too had been calling us on marriages of his children. It is on record that when his wife died, I was present by his side and when my husband died, he was also there and was having me in his arms and was consoling me. My children were calling him,' uncle- maamaa ji'.
We are still meeting and sharing our problems and all that. Till date, I am not in a position to understand as to what type of relations were there between us. Rohit had said once,' love takes its birth in two hearts at one and the same time and once such a love takes its birth, it never dies. It remains alive even after the deaths of lover and beloved.' and these words of his are often in my mind as and when I recall times spent with Rohit.
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