Monday, May 13, 2024

Complaint will be resolved within 100 minutes in any case

Monday 13th May 2024 at 6:15 PM

24x7 complaint monitoring cell is working actively

SAS Nagar
: 13th May 2024: (Karthika Kalyani Singh//Punjab Screen Desk)::

People often complain that their complaints are not resolved quickly. Now the government and administration have taken important steps in this direction. According to May technology, the complaint will be resolved within 100 minutes in any case. This information was given by ADC cum Additional District Election Officer V Is Tidke. There is a lot of enthusiasm among the people about this.

Additional Deputy Commissioner-cum-Additional District Election Officer Viraj S Tidke said that a 24x7 complaint monitoring cell has been set up by the district administration, where the complaints received through various means of communication (cVigil or toll-free 1950) regarding violations of the Model Code of Conduct are dealt with in a timely manner. 

The ADEO further informed that the Complaint Cell has so far received 66 complaints related to violations of the Model Code of Conduct through the C Vigil app developed by the Election Commission of India (ECI). He said that 23 complaints were dropped due to various reasons while the remaining 42 complaints were found corrected and disposed of within 100 minutes time limit set by the Election Commission of India while one complaint is under progress. 

He said that whenever a complaint is received on the c Vigil app, the flying squad teams are assigned within five minutes of receiving the complaint, after which the team has to reach there within 15 minutes. After investigating the complaint within 30 minutes, the report is sent to the Assistant Returning Officer of the constituency for further action. The ARO has to act on the complaint within the next 50 minutes. 

He said that in this way the complaint is settled in just 100 minutes. He said that this app is available on Google Play Store and with this app citizens can upload photos and videos on the spot with location based details of any violation of Model Code of Conduct. 

When they upload a picture or video, immediate action is initiated by the flying squad and Assistant Returning Officers. The Additional District Election Officer also said that the average time taken to resolve these complaints was 43.26 minutes. 

He said that the district administration is strictly implementing the Model Code of Conduct to conduct the Lok Sabha elections in a free, fair, transparent and peaceful manner.

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